2016 Mensajes en Español

2016-12-04 PMPunto De Vista Escritural Del Mensaje 4 (Scriptural Approach To the Message Pt. 4)Brian Freeborn
2016-12-04 AMPunto De Vista Escritural Del Mensaje 3 (Scriptural Approach To the Message Pt. 3)Brian Freeborn
2016-11-27 PMPunto De Vista Escritural Del Mensaje 2 (Scriptural Approach To the Message Pt. 2)Brian Freeborn
2016-11-27 AMPunto De Vista Escritural Del Mensaje 1(Scriptural Approach To The Message Pt. 1)Brian Freeborn
2016-10-30 PMLas Dos Simientes (The Two Seeds)Brian Freeborn
2016-09-04 AMBuscando A Dios (Seeking God)Brian Freeborn
2016-10-09 PMGetsemani (Gethsemane)Brian Freeborn
2016-08-28 PMRelacion Personal Primero (Relationship First)Brian Freeborn
2016-10-23 AMMi Carne Cae (My Flesh Faileth)Brian Freeborn
2011-09-18 PMDefensores Del Evangelio (Defenders of the Faith)Brian Freeborn
2011-09-25 AMVientos Contrarios (Contrary Winds)Brian Freeborn
2016-08-16 AMLos Preceptos De Mas Peso (The Weightier Matters)Brian Freeborn
2012-08-05 AMBecerros En El Establo (Calves In The Stall)Brian Freeborn
2012-08-26 Vientos De Cambio (Winds of Change)Brian Freeborn
2016-09-11 PMEl Proposito Eterno De Dios (The Eternal Purpose of God)Brian Freeborn
2016-04-24 AMBaruc (Baruch)Brian Freeborn
2012-07-01 AMQue Paso Con Las Virgines de Jerico (What Happened To The Virgins of Jericho)Brian Freeborn
2016-08-21 AMGran Gozo (Great Joy)Brian Freeborn
2016-01-03 AMAgua Dulce (Sweet Water)Brian Freeborn
2016-08-07 AMProgresar Cristiano(Christian Progression)Brian Freeborn
2016-07-31 PMLa Mision De Pablo (Pauls Mission)Brian Freeborn
2016-07-10 AMEl Glorioso Evangelio Del Senor Jesucristo (The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ)Brian Freeborn
2015-05-03 AMRecibiendo A Elias (Entertaining Elijah)Brian Freeborn
2015-04-26 PMFrutos De Nuestra Boca (Fruits of Our Mouth)Brian Freeborn
2015-01-18 AMNo Lograr el objetivo-(Missed Purpose)Brian Freeborn
2015-02-01 AMPrueba De Tu Fe (Failure of Faith)Brian Freeborn
2016-06-26 PMEscuchando A Dios (Hearing From God)Brian Freeborn
2016-02-14 PMSujetos a Vanidad (Subject to Vanity)Brian Freeborn
2016-02-14 AMElige Tus Batallas (Chose Your Battles)Brian Freeborn
2016-05-29 AMAgradeciendo a Dios Por Sus Beneficios (Rendering According to the Benefit)Brian Freeborn
2016-05-22 PMIdentidad Restaurada (Restored Identity)Brian Freeborn
2016-05-15 AMTenidos Por Dignos (Accounted Worthy)Brian Freeborn
2016-05-08 PMLas Armas De Nuestra Batalla (The Weapons of Our Warfare)Brian Freeborn
2015-03-08 PMCuenta Regresiva (Countdown)Brian Freeborn
2016-03-13 AMYo Sere Exaltado (I Will Be Exalted).MP3)Brian Freeborn
2016-03-06 PMChristo El Misterio De Dios (Christ The Mystery of God)Brian Freeborn
2016-04-10 AMLa Santidad De Dios (The Righteousness of God)Brian Freeborn
2016-04-17 AMGiros En El Camino (Turn In The Road)Brian Freeborn
2016-02-28 AMEl Cuerpo De Cristo (The Body of Christ)Brian Freeborn
2016-03-13 PMJinetedel Caballo Amarillo (Pale Horse Rider)Brian Freeborn
2016-01-24 PMViviendo En Cuevas II (Cave Dwellers - Part II)Brian Freeborn
2011-11-20 PMSiguiendo Al Senor De Lejos (Following The Lord From Afar)Brian Freeborn
2011-10-02 AMMetamorfosis Transformacion (Metamorphosis Transformation)Brian Freeborn
2011Medidas Austeras (Austere Measures)Brian Freeborn
2015-02-15 AMOfensas Repetidas (Repeat Offences)Brian Freeborn
2016-01-31PMDonde Esta Tu Afecto (Where is your affection)Brian Freeborn
2016-01-31AMDiscipulos De Quien Somos (Whose Disciples are you)Brian Freeborn
2016-01-24AMViviendo En Cuevas (Cave Dwellers Part 1)Brian Freeborn
2015-06-14PMEvangelio Hibrido (Hybrid Gospel)Brian Freeborn
2015-09-20AMQuien Se Dio A Si Mismo (Who Gave Himself)Brian Freeborn
2012-11-18PMSentado A Los Pies De Jesus (Sitting at the feet of Jesus)Brian Freeborn
2012-11-11AMSuperbacteria (Superbug)Brian Freeborn
2015 Vencedores De Nuestra Edad (Overcomers of Our Age)Brian Freeborn
2015Es Necesario Que El Crezca Pero Que Yo MenGue (He Must Increase, I must decrease)Brian Freeborn